Did You drop out of high school?
High school drop out rates in the United States need our attention.
As a long-time educator and parent, I believe this is one of the most serious problems we face.
If you dropped out of high school, I hope you'll share your story and help me with the research I'm doing for a book that will help bring attention to this issue.
Your experience can help explain what causes students to drop out. With this knowledge, we can work to create a better future for our kids and society.
Emil Cicogna
Your experiences can teach others. here's how you can helP:
An easy-to-complete list of questions.
Write about your story of why you dropped out.
If you prefer to talk about your story, we can connect on the phone or Zoom.
dropout rates in the U.s.a.
should concern us all:
1.2 million
Every year, 1.2 million students drop out of high school in the United States alone.
Approximately 25% of high school freshmen fail to graduate from high school on time.
The U.S., which previously had some of the highest graduation rates of any developed country, now ranks 22nd out of 27.
Almost 2,000 high schools across the U.S. graduate less than 60% of their students. These "dropout factories" account for over 50% of the students who leave school every year.
In the U.S., high school dropouts commit about 75% of total crimes.